After a procedure in the lower jaw, your child’s tongue, teeth, lip, and surrounding tissue will feel numb or asleep. Similarly, if the dentist performed the procedure in the upper jaw, your child’s teeth, lip, and surrounding tissue will experience numbness or a sleepy sensation.

Unfortunately, children often struggle to understand the effects of local anesthesia. Consequently, they may chew, scratch, suck, or play with their numb lip, tongue, or cheek. These actions can cause minor irritations or, in some cases, lead to more severe swelling and tissue abrasions.

Therefore, closely monitor your child for approximately two hours following the appointment. Additionally, it’s wise to keep your child on a liquid or soft diet until the anesthetic wears off.

Please don’t hesitate to call our office if you have any questions.

To aid the healing process, keep the traumatized area as clean as possible. A soft washcloth often works well during this time.

Moreover, watch for darkening of traumatized teeth, as this could indicate a dying nerve (pulp).If swelling recurs, bring the patient to our office as soon as possible. Furthermore, apply ice during the first 24 hours to minimize swelling.

Also, monitor the trauma area for signs of infection (gum boils). If you notice an infection, call our office immediately so we can examine the patient promptly. Maintain a soft diet for two to three days, or until your child feels comfortable eating normally again.

Meanwhile, avoid sweets or foods that are extremely hot or cold.

If we prescribe antibiotics or pain medicines, ensure you follow the instructions carefully.

Again, please don’t hesitate to contact our office with any questions.

To prevent injury, instruct your child not to scratch, chew, suck, or rub their lips, tongue, or cheek while they feel numb or asleep. Watch your child closely to prevent accidental harm to these areas before the anesthesia wears off.
For the next few hours:

  • Avoid rinsing the mouth
  • Minimize excessive spitting
  • Refrain from drinking carbonated beverages for the rest of the day
  • Don’t use a straw
  • Keep fingers and tongue away from the extraction area

If unusual or sustained bleeding occurs, place cotton gauze firmly over the extraction area and bite down or hold in place for fifteen minutes. Alternatively, you can use a tea bag. Repeat if necessary.

Continue a soft diet for a day or two, or until your child feels comfortable eating normally again. Additionally, avoid strenuous exercise or physical activity for several hours after the extraction.

Once bleeding is under control, we encourage your child to return to school.

For discomfort, use Children’s Tylenol, Advil, or Motrin as directed for your child’s age. If we prescribed medication, follow the directions on the bottle. Once again, don’t hesitate to contact our office with any questions.

A thorough cleaning inevitably causes some bleeding and swelling and may result in tenderness or discomfort. This occurs due to tender and inflamed gums from insufficient oral hygiene, not because of a “rough cleaning.” We recommend the following for 2-3 days after the cleaning:

  1. Rinse with warm salt water 2-3 times per day (1 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of warm water)
  2. For discomfort, use Children’s Tylenol, Advil, or Motrin as directed for your child’s age

Lastly, please contact our office if the discomfort persists for more than 7 days or if you have any questions.


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