
Why Would I Need An Extraction?

The most commonly performed extraction is on the wisdom teeth, which are the third set of molars that come in around the ages of 17-24. Wisdom teeth often cause problems such as impaction, severe pain, infection, overcrowding, or coming in at the wrong angle. Wisdom teeth that have grown in straight, and aren’t causing any other problems do not need to be extracted unless x-rays show signs that problems could occur in the future.

Other teeth could need to be extracted if they are severely decayed, preparing for orthodontic treatment, are overcrowded, or if you have loose or damaged teeth due to advanced gum disease or dental trauma. 

It is important to have an extracted tooth replaced to prevent shifting teeth and bone loss. Even when deciduous teeth are extracted, if they are removed too early, your child may need to wear space maintainers until their permanent teeth are ready to come in.

To schedule an appointment for an extraction at Dentistry For Children, contact us online or call (208) 384-9872 today. We also offer sedation services such as nitrous oxide and general anesthesia for your child to reduce dental anxiety or if they are undergoing oral surgery.

Tooth extraction is performed as a last resort but benefits of extraction include:

  • Stopping the spread of decay and infection
  • Preventing oral health problems associated with wisdom teeth
  • Relieving pain
  • Making room in the mouth to straighten the teeth
  • Allowing for artificial tooth replacement when the tooth is not salvageable

Basic Tooth Extractions

Basic tooth extraction is when the affected tooth can be visibly seen in the mouth and does not require any incisions or oral surgery to remove. The patient will receive a local anesthetic and then the tooth will be fully loosened in the socket with a dental appliance called an elevator. Once the tooth is extremely loose, forceps are used to lift it out.

Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Wisdom teeth and other impacted teeth require surgical extraction because they are trapped underneath the gum line. Surgical extraction can also be necessary if you have a broken tooth that has broken at the gum line. 

Because impacted teeth are trapped behind the gums and wisdom teeth may be coming in at the wrong angle, this is considered a more complex extraction and could necessitate general anesthesia. 

An incision will be made into the gums to access the tooth hidden beneath. The bone surrounding the tooth may also need to be removed for easier access. Once we have access to the tooth, it will be elevated and extracted just like a basic extraction.

Do Extractions Hurt?

The actual extraction procedure will be painless, but how you feel in the coming days depends on the type of extraction and the location of the extraction. If you are getting a basic extraction, you will be given a local anesthetic and the tooth will be rocked back and forth with an elevator and then pulled out after it has been loosened with forceps. 

The numbing agent ensures that you feel no pain or discomfort and should only experience mild pain once the anesthetic wears off. This can be relieved through over-the-counter pain medication. 

If you received a surgical extraction, you will be put to sleep during the procedure so you will not be conscious during the extraction. The good thing about this is that you won’t feel a thing, nor will you remember anything, and the whole procedure will be over before you know it. 

However, the surgical site can feel quite sore and tender in the next few days, so you will want to take pain medication and reduce swelling with cold compresses. The swelling will peak around 2-3 days after the extraction and then it will improve. 

The most important thing is to encourage blood clotting and to try not to disturb the blood clots at the extraction site, which can cause dry socket. This is a very painful condition that can prolong your healing.


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